SOP-Standard Operating Procedure, F&B Service - Room Service.

Standard Operating Procedure Room Service. Index. Order Taking Procedures. Setting up of Tray / Trolley. Delivering the order in Room. Prepare the Tray / Trolley for delivery. Tea / Coffee Service. Clearing the Tray. Presenting the Bill. CIP / VIP Amenity Service. Morning Shift Check List. Evening Shift / Night Shift Check List. Take Away (Parcel) Order Procedures. Suggestive Selling & Up Selling. Order Taking Procedures. (Picking up the order Promptly and Effeciently). · Pick up the Telephone within 3 rings or 15 seconds whichever is less. · Greet the guest with appropriate greeting using the guest name and by giving your name for Eg. “Good Morning, This is Captain Name or Order Taker’s Name how may I ass...